Sunday, October 21, 2012

I know you!

I live in a small area.  I've worked a variety of jobs in said small area.  People recognize me.  It can be a good thing.  More often than not its a bad thing. 

People act like I'm their friend.  I'm not.  I might know them.  We may have casual conversation.  Hell, they may catch me on a good day and I might be downright friendly.  That doesn't mean I'm their friend.  If I was their friend they would know my name.  Most don't.  If I was friends with everybody I've served then I'd have a lot of fucking friends.  My life isn't Facebook.  I don't have that many friends.

I walk through the mall and people will yell "Hey!  Its the (insert company name here) guy!". I rent a movie at the video store and they look over my shoulder to see what I'm watching like I'm some poor man's Siskel and Ebert and it must be a great film if I'm watching it.    Luckily I was never renting a porno.  Okay, I was once and it became an awkward situation.  That woman never looked me in the eye again.

One of the best (or worst) examples occurred many years ago.  I was working two jobs at the time.  One of those jobs was at the strip club that was the setting for two of my previous stories.  Anyway, I was working my day job at the grocery store that shall remain nameless.  Not that I worry about any legal action that could occur if I run my mouth but because I don't want to mention their name.  Its my blog and I have that right.  Back to my story.

I was helping this older lady find a particular item.  She seemed like a sweet old lady, one of those that always had a wrapped candy in her purse that she was willing to offer at any time.  You know the type.  We were having some of that polite conversation that I mentioned earlier when this gentleman comes up behind me, slaps me on the back, and says "I know you!  You work at the titty bar!"

The polite conversation changed.  This little old lady looked at me like she was just told I strangle kittens for sport and very quickly walked away.  Or as quickly as an old lady can walk.  Sounds like a tongue twister.  How quick could an old lady walk if an old lady could walk quick?

I turned and looked at the gentleman, who looked at me with this smile on his face and said "I'll see you tonight buddy".  I hate being recognized sometimes.